Little Perversions (The Frantic Journey of the Wandering Womb) is an ongoing project started in 2023. The project investigates the realms of desire and disorder by means of re-collection and re-production of Hysterical Iconographies that permeate with universal weight our visual culture. 

The images presented in this project are imaginary visions inspired by the visual and written evidence presented in the medical photography landmark "The Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière" by Paul Regnard and Désiré-Magloire Bourneville. These staged, at times theatrical, self-portraits aim to unfold the paradoxes of Visibility invoked by an inextinguishable delusion rooted in our history: the intrinsic guilt of female desire. 

In the Salpêtrière clinic, female desire and feminine gestures, inappropriately confined to the realms of mental illness, are treated and regulated in a variety of manners: hydrotherapy, electric shock therapy, confinement and seclusion. Moreover, these “Attitudes Passionnelles” are presented to the public in a perverse spectacle performed by "hysterical" patients and masterful doctors. 

This photographic project wishes to take into account all these testimonies and confront the viewer with a different narrative, one from a feminine point of view. 

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